This brief describes MCSP’s efforts to more comprehensively strengthen management of the health sector and reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH). It includes an approach for strengthening subnational health systems management and findings from various efforts implemented in Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, India, Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania. It also presents key takeaways to improve future […]
Location: Guinea
Webinar: Nothing gets transformed until your mind is transformed
On April 4th, MCSP hosted the second of a two-part webinar series to share the Program’s global and country-level learning for human capacity development efforts. Entitled “Nothing gets transformed until your mind is transformed,” the webinar focused on transformative approaches to strengthening pre-service education strengthening in Ghana, Kenya and Liberia. Strong pre-service education systems are […]
Effective Interventions to Strengthen Health Systems after the Epidemic
This brief outlines MCSP’s approach to Ebola virus disease (EVD) prevention, response, and recovery in Guinea, Liberia, and Ghana (Ghana did not have any active cases of EVD but was classified as a high-risk country due to its geographical proximity to the epidemic). MCSP’s interventions were intended to build resilience and self-reliance in each country […]
June 19th – Stronger Systems for Healthier Moms and Kids: Tackling Health System Constraints in Ghana and Guinea
Join us June 19th to learn how interventions at different levels of the health system are working to address common health system challenges . […]
In Guinea, Local Health Teams Learn to Identify and Address Pressing Challenges
In the wake of the Ebola crisis, MCSP is strengthening the capacity of district health managers to take greater ownership of local health system management. […]
Rising from the Ashes: Strengthening Guinea’s Local Health Systems after Ebola
After Ebola devastated Guinea, MCSP has been strengthening the country’s health systems with a focus on the district level. […]
Buying Condoms? Contraceptive Questions? Ask Your Hairdresser
This World Contraception Day, we visit Miskaa Salon in Guinea, where stylists use beaded necklaces to demonstrate the menstrual cycle, and chat up the benefits of a long-acting contraceptive methods. […]
Preliminary Lessons Learned: Integration of IMNCI Standards in Three Health Centers in Guinea
Since the early 2010s, Guinea has implemented the Standards-Based Management and Recognition (SBM-R™) approach to strengthen the quality of services in emergency obstetric and newborn care (EmONC), family planning (FP), and infection prevention (IP). In the first quarter of 2014, the total number of health facilities implementing SBM-R reached 60. In October 2013, the SBM-R […]
SBM-R for child health, a synthesis of initial experiences in Guinea and Zimbabwe
The purpose of this review is to find out how the Standards-Based Management and Recognition (SBM-R®) approach has been applied in two countries, Zimbabwe and Guinea, to improve the quality of care for child health. Since the SBM-R approach is one of many quality improvement approaches, the findings will: (1) inform a process of developing […]