In many countries where MCSP works, pregnant women are often victims of gender inequality born of negative gender concepts, which contributes to abuse and mistreatment during childbirth. […]

In many countries where MCSP works, pregnant women are often victims of gender inequality born of negative gender concepts, which contributes to abuse and mistreatment during childbirth. […]
Across 52 programs in 32 countries – and nearly five years! – MCSP has been at the fore of tremendous improvements for women and their families in some of the most challenging areas for receiving high-quality health services. […]
Despite its heavy toll of deaths, the postpartum period – sometimes referred to as “the fourth trimester” – is often neglected. […]
How do we make sure that proposed activities are planning to involve tech in the “right way,” and ensure that their solutions will be effective, sustainable, and context-appropriate? […]
While HMIS are a rich data source, their data also frequently comes with challenges. Are there signs that the availability of key data elements is improving over time? […]
What can we do to get health data out of the spreadsheets and into the streets? One solution is to improve how we are visualizing our data so that it is more understandable and, therefore, more actionable. […]
This newly launched resource will help stakeholders to advocate for seven key policy actions globally and at the country level. […]
How do we encourage better use of quality data for decision making? This question is at the heart of MCSP’s efforts to improve access to and quality of RMNCH services at community and facility levels. […]
As Egypt transitions to “developed,” the social and political life of the country is rapidly moving to meet global standards. Every country on this path will need to balance traditional thinking with new ideas about health, wellbeing, prosperity, and gender. […]
Growing up, I had a friend named Chinyere. Like every other young girl in the neighborhood, she had great dreams and aspirations. […]